Healthy Manoa

UH Manoa Food Services for Students

ICS 314 Project

For the fianl project of class ICS 314, I was assigned to a team of four doing the project: “ Toaster Oven Lovin’ “. The project requires us to use IntelliJ IDEA, Meteor, and the coding language of JavaScript, UI, React, HTML, and CSS to create a web app for solving the problem of college students’ limited kitchen resources, cooking skills, time, access to grocery stores, and no access to creative recipes that respect these constraints. As a result, college students spend money to eat out or eat non-healthy foods at fast food places or through vending machines.

Healthy Manoa

The site “Healthy Manoa” is the solution that our team created. Healthy Manoa is a website for students (on-campus or off) to learn and share recipes that can be made using minimal kitchen facilities, made out of ingredients that are available within walking distance of UH, and suit local taste sensibilities. Also, any local vendor can post their selling good to students to purchase. Building a healthy sustainable lifestyle for the students and people living around UH Manoa.

Source: Healthy Manoa